Atta Pet cat British Shorthair cats pet cats cats Dogington Post cat food labels amazing police dog

Caribbean Pet Dog

Autism And Dogs: Exploring The Positive Effects Of Dogs On Individuals With Autism

Autism And Dogs: Exploring The Positive Effects Of Dogs On Individuals With Autism

The site was conceived and built through the combined efforts of contributing bloggers, technicians, and compassioned volunteers who believe the way we treat our dogs is a direct reflection of the state of our society.

The Art Of Dog Apology: How Our Pooches Say Sorry

The Art Of Dog Apology: How Our Pooches Say Sorry

The site was conceived and built through the combined efforts of contributing bloggers, technicians, and compassioned volunteers who believe the way we treat our dogs is a direct reflection of the state of our society.

Cop Fatally Shoots Family Dog And Runs Another Dog With Cop Car

Cop Fatally Shoots Family Dog And Runs Another Dog With Cop Car

X (Formerly Twitter) user Don Hesseltine, owner of the dog, posted the surveillance video of the cop shooting his pooch, two-year-old Myst, in front of his kid and nephew.

‘Protect The Potcakes’: The Dangers Of The Upcoming CDC Ban on Caribbean Potcake Dogs

‘Protect The Potcakes’: The Dangers Of The Upcoming CDC Ban on Caribbean Potcake Dogs

As a matter of fact, back in 2011, one of our authors and the Co-Founder of Clear Conscience Pet, Amanda Malone Bennie, flew to the Turks and Caicos Islands with her family, fell in love with potcake dogs, and decided to adopt one.