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Bird nests made with a toxic fungus seem to fend off attacking ants

Bird nests made with a toxic fungus seem to fend off attacking ants

So Cortés-Romay and behavioral ecologist Sabrina Amador Vargas of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Balboa, Panama, placed strands of horsehair fungus onto the branches of 30 acacia trees inhabited by one species of symbiotic ant (Pseudomyrmex spinicola), along with fibers of a nonfungal plant of similar thickness and type that birds also use to build nests.

9 Antioxidants In Your Cat’s Diet

9 Antioxidants In Your Cat’s Diet

Spinach is a strong source of lutein while kale contains significant amounts of beta-carotene, flavonoids, and vitamin C. Any greens you offer your cat should be thoroughly washed and gently cooked, without seasonings.