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The Complete Guide to Cat Body Language and Communication

The Complete Guide to Cat Body Language and Communication

If you notice negative signs such as tongue licking on top of the nose, head shaking, head-turning sharply with pupil dilation, or short, low-pitched meow sounds while stroking your cat.

7 Adorable Cat Breeds With Short Ears

7 Adorable Cat Breeds With Short Ears

Kellie B. Gormly—A kitten and cat rescuer and foster mama whose nickname is “Mother Catresa”—is an award-winning veteran journalist who freelances for national publications, including The Washington Post,, Woman's World, and FIRST for Women.

Loyal German Shepherd Saves Owner From Bear Attack

Loyal German Shepherd Saves Owner From Bear Attack

The site was conceived and built through the combined efforts of contributing bloggers, technicians, and compassioned volunteers who believe the way we treat our dogs is a direct reflection of the state of our society.